Help Support HEF

Make A Donation

Hillsborough Education Foundation is powered by you: parents, alumni, community members, business leaders and organizations.
100% of your donation will have a meaningful impact on education for students at Hillsborough Township Public Schools.

Gifts of all amounts are appreciated and are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Contact us if you would like to arrange for a stock transfer, planned giving, matching gifts, or corporate sponsorship.

Hillsborough Education Foundation is a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization #22-3446472.

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Donate via PayPal®

Click on the this PayPal link or the button below to donate to HEF’s PayPal account.
You can also find HEF on PayPal using @donateHEF.
Thank you for your support!

Donate via the PayPal® app

Scan our Paypal QRCode to make a donation to HEF’s PayPal account.
Thank you for your support!

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Mail a check

Write a check payable to:
     Hillsborough Education Foundation
Mail to:
     Hillsborough Education Foundation
     601 Route 206, Suite 26-240
     Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Thank you for your support!


Would you like to make a difference in education at Hillsborough Township Public Schools?

HEF is looking for motivated community members to serve on one of our committees to assist with event planning, fundraising, grant application review, or promoting HEF in the community.
Email us at

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